Recognizing a Good Airsoft Leader


Recognizing A Good Airsoft Leader |
(affiliate links included)


Airsoft is a team game.  Due to the nature of airsoft, airsofters often end up on a team with a wide variety of players with different levels of experience, tactical and field knowledge, and leadership skills.  You may end up on a team of 10 players where nobody has ever played at the field before and is trying airsoft for the first time.  On the other extreme, you may get mixed in with a team where everyone thinks they are SEAL Team 6 material and their sole mission is to beat the other team into the ground.

No matter what kind of team you end up on, often there is a dominant leader that other players on the team look up to for directions and guidance before the game begins.  Sometimes a leader rises through having played at the specific field more than anyone else or having more tactical knowledge.  Sometimes a leader comes to power by having a lot of good friends on the team or knowing how to find the best spots on the field to hold down the enemy offensive.  No matter how a leader is chosen, the amount of success you have on the field and the fun you have while you’re there, is often determined by how well a leader is able to do their job.  Here are some questions that you can ask to determine if the leader at your next airsoft event is good at what they do, as well as pick up some good tips for the next time you command a team!


Is The Leader There To Have Fun?

This is the biggest question to ask when deciding if someone is a good airsoft leader.  Airsoft is a game, not a talent and gear show.  It isn’t about decimating the enemy team all day long, having the highest kill streak, or laughing at the enemy team while they get mowed down by a bunch of over-serious players.  Airsoft at its core is about FUN!!!  A good airsoft leader will be willing to have fun no matter how the game is going.  Usually they will crack a few jokes when things are going rough, as well as be the first to congratulate a player when they push the objective and secure a win.  If the team isn’t having fun, or at least having a good laugh now and then, it is a clear sign that the leader is being too serious or isn’t doing enough to keep up team moral.


Is The Leader Including Everyone?

A clear sign of a good leader is the ability to get everyone involved in the game.  No matter the experience level or amount of gear someone owns, everyone and anyone can play airsoft and be a part of a team.  Every player needs to be included in the execution of a mission, and also the planning of that mission if possible.  Granted there are always a few players that don’t have a team mentality when playing airsoft (you know “that guy” on the field).  Don’t expect a leader to get those kinds of players involved every round, but they should at least be making an effort to keep the team working together.

(Interested in getting new or young players involved during a game? Than THIS post is for you!)

Is The Leader Knowledgable And Able To Communicate Well?

This is an excellent question to ask about a leader after seeing them command for a few rounds of a game.  A knowledgeable leader will be able to identify issues in the team’s gameplay and strategy and be able to communicate his plan for fixing those issues in upcoming battles.  The good leader will also be able to find the spots on a field that are the best to defend at, as well as the best places to attack from.  Being a knowledgable leader with good communication skills doesn’t mean that they are a walking dictionary of tactics, or are able to shout out orders like a Drill Sergeant.  A real leader will have the common sense to make decisions and get their point across to everyone quickly and clearly before and during a battle.

(If you want to learn more about good communication in airsoft, check out “The 3 E’s of Communication”.  If you are needing some good radios to help enhance communication on the field, HERE is the pair I use on the field.)


These are some great guidelines to use to improve your own leadership skills in airsoft.  Use these questions during a game to discover what other leaders do well, or struggle with.  Armed with the knowledge these questions will provide,  you can become a stronger leader and command the field in a way that keeps airsoft fun and exciting for every player!


What Makes An Airsoft Field Great?


What Makes An Airsoft Field Great |

When I visit fields, I can quickly tell whether my experience is going to be a great one or one of those “well, that was fun, but not the best” kind of experiences.  Here are a few criteria I use to define a great field and would like to see all fields implement.  As always, be sure to leave a comment with your opinion on what you look for in a great field!

Amazing Staff:

Staff really do make or break a field.  If the staff is knowledgable about the field, is up-to-date on various airsoft weaponry, and understand tactics that work well, players tend to respect them and gameplay is better as a result.  Staff that understand the scenarios that are being played, enforce the rules on everyone, and don’t play favorites, just make my day.  On the flip side, staff that don’t interact with me and make me feel welcome, stand by when players need help, or fail to explain rules or missions well, just put a damper on the game for everyone.


Easy Staging and Good Timing:

I really enjoy a field that has a comfortable, or at least well laid out, staging area.  Enough tables, some seating, room to move around, and easy access to bathrooms and water, make getting reset after a hardcore round of airsoft way faster.  A couple of community/info boards are nice for both helping out local airsoft groups and making players more informed about airsoft in their area.

Another key feature of a great field is a well thought out time table for games and staging.  If games drag on and players aren’t having fun, or if staging takes 10 times longer than it needs to, I start to wonder if I’ll be coming back to that field again.  Games and staging need to be focused.

This doesn’t mean that adding a bit of unexpected elements into a game is a bad thing.  I enjoy it when the staff insert an extra challenge or switch up the scenario to something the players really want to do.  But, does anyone really need 20 minutes to reload 3 mags….. really?….


Good Rules and Gameplay:

Even if you have the best staff in the world, a staging area that looks like the Ritz, and a time table strict enough for a SEAL team, if the gameplay doesn’t meet that standard, then people won’t be coming back.

Some field rules don’t work well unless implemented properly and enforced (like safety kills).  Refs need to be patrolling the field without being intrusive to the gameplay.  It is also essential to have a Ref at each respawn point to make sure that players are following the rules.

(To see my thoughts on why safety kills aren’t all that safe, check out my post HERE)

Plenty of scenarios that are unique to the field make gameplay a ton of fun.  If a field tailors classic scenarios (like TDM and Capture the Flag) to the field design itself, players are able to enjoy coming up with tactics that work for that field.  For example, if “Capture the Flag” is the scenario and the field’s design caters to teams that rush to the frontline, Refs should put the flags in positions that rely on a strong defense to protect (like out in the open, or in an area that has little protection).  This way, each team has to be strategic on how they position players and distribute their force if they hope to capture the other team’s flag and keep their own.


I hope you got some ideas of what makes a field great and how you can improve even backyard games.  Feel free to provide some input and mention a field that you really enjoy playing at here in the comments or on the Airsoft Warrior Facebook page.


How To Go From Backyard Airsoft To Field Games


How To Go From Backyard Airsoft To Field Games |

One of the places many airsofters first get to experience a game is in a backyard.  A couple of spring pistol battles later and their hooked.  After awhile, they want to expand beyond those small battles on the lawn and check out what the rest of the airsoft world has to offer, namely dedicated airsoft field games!  But the transition from the casual backyard games to the highly competitive and structured field scenarios can be a harsh one.  If you want to learn more about how to make this transition better and help other players too, you’ve come to the right place!

(Note:  Backyard games must be safe and comply with local laws at all times.  Be sure to do your research and require full seal eye protection as well as proper face protection at all the game you host or play in.  The backyard is not a time to slack off or stop using common sense.  Respect your neighbors and notify them if you plan on playing.  If you think you shouldn’t play, DON’T!  The airsoft community thanks you for keeping the sport honorable and safer for everyone.)


Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

The biggest thing to remember when you’re going to your first field game is to be prepared (in case the title of this section didn’t get your attention).  Preparedness requires that you hone your skills on more than just the tactical level (although you’ll want to spend a lot of time on that too!).

The first way you can prepare for a field game is mentally.  Understand that field games aren’t really like a backyard game.  There will be a lot of people you don’t know and they will all have a different style of airsoft.  Some of them will have a lot more experience and understand how to “play” the field better.  Don’t let that concern you.  You just have to mentally accept the fact that not everything is going to go right and you may be sitting in respawn a bit more than usual for the first few rounds.

Research is another valuable tool to use when you are preparing.  Look up the rules of the field and the layout if possible.  Use a program like Google Earth to see a satellite view of an outdoor field, or ask players that have visited the field before to give you some tips or draw a simple map.  If you understand the dynamics of the field, you can prepare for the most likely scenarios that will occur.


Train for the Field

If you have prepared properly and understand as much as possible about the field itself, then you should take some time to implement that knowledge.  Go out and practice running scenarios specifically for the field.  Implement proper tactics and shooting principles to enhance your skills.  The muscle memory you build, and your better understanding of tactics, will boost your confidence when you show up at the field.

Here are some training ideas:

  • Watch videos from the field and analyze the tactics used.
  • Practice the different shooting positions (standing, kneeling, prone, etc.).  Both supported and unsupported.
  • Have a backyard game and try out some squad tactics.
  • Practice using different communication skills to relay battle information.



Proper gear is a vital to making the transition from backyard to field games easier.  Make sure you have the basic gear you need for the field you are visiting (right BB weight and number of BBs, batteries, hydration, kill rags, eye and face protection, etc.).  Don’t worry about having the best gear or most tacticool load out.  This is your first field game.  Just bring what you NEED and use the game to learn what you WANT in the future.

HERE is a link to my Basic Gear List to give you some ideas of what you may need to bring to your first field game.  Check the field’s website or give them a call if you want further information on recommended gear.


Extra Tips:

Here are a few ways to make your field experience better:

  • Arrive earlier than you think you need to if possible.  You’ll have more time to set up your gear and get settled in.
  • Fill out your field safety waiver before hand (most fields post them on their website).
  • Organize your gear and know where everything is so you can find it quickly in between games.
  • Bring a small repair kit or tool box for minor fixes on both guns and gear.
  • Remind yourself that you are there to have FUN!


Thank you for reading this post.  If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I would be happy to answer them.  Also, let me know any tips you have for making backyard to field game transitions better!




Airsoft Tulsa: Montage of BOSS!


Airsoft Tulsa: Montage of BOSS! |

Here’s a quick montage video for you guys from my first visit to Airsoft Tulsa in 2016!  I had a great time getting out on the field with a bunch of great players!  Be sure to let me know what you think of the video in the comments!

And, because even a montage video can include some tactics 😉 ……


Numbers Change The Field:

The increased number of players (40) change the way the battlefield could be navigated and how positions could be used.  It also causes “traffic jams” to occur in-game.  There were several times I had to stop for a second and think about where I could best support my team.  Taking the time to spread out from the rest of your teammates during a game so you have more shooting opportunities while providing your team with a stronger front.


Rush Things Along:

The first clip is from a “Conquest” round where our team rushed to the flag and secured it before the enemy team had a chance to react.  You’ll notice that several of my team members were moving up at the same time to give a better chance of securing the flag (which consequently resulted in me running into one of them! 🙂 ).  This constant “wave” of operators, combined with a powerful rush of players early in the game, is a great tactic for securing a flag and allows your team to defend for the remainder of the game (which can be a lot easier than attacking most of the time).


Get Some “Moving” Cover:

In one of the clips, I communicate with my teammate to have him provide covering fire while I rushed the flag.  Try to get some covering fire whenever you move from one position to another at the front lines.  Also, listen to your teammates and wait till they’re ready before you move.  Often times, they have a better idea of what you’re going into.  It doesn’t help to rush things along just to get lit up the minute you step out of cover!


Airsoft Tulsa Indoor: That’s The Way The Flag Goes!


Airsoft Tulsa: That's the Way the Flag Goes! |
(affiliate links included)

Nothing like fumbling around trying to figure out how to run a flag up a pulley while under enemy fire! 😛  Domination is one of my favorite scenarios because it relies on aggressive action and tactical defense to win.  I had a great time visiting the field with my teammate, Chief, from the Front And Center Airsoft Team (You can visit his YouTube channel HERE).

I hope you enjoy the gameplay.  If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment!




Tactical Spacing:
Spacing out from your teammates is an important tactic while playing in CQB environments.  Often times, you’ll feel like you want to stick as close as possible to your teammates during a game.  Try to resist that tendency and spread out 10-15 feet from them.  This will provide your team with better protection, give you more firing angles to use, and prevent enemy operators with grenades from taking out multiple players.


Use the Path of Most Protection:
You’ll notice at 3:38 that an enemy player attempts to switch the flag to his team’s color.  To get there, he has to cover a relatively large area of the field while completely exposed to our firepower.  Try to always use a path that will provide you the most protection.  Also, coordinate with your team and have them provide covering fire while you move.


Control Your Stress
Even in a game where you have unlimited respawns, there is still a level of stress during a game.  This will cause “interesting” mistakes to occur (like forgetting how to run a flag up a string).  Knowing that stress is there, and controlling it (an example would be continuing to figure out how to get the flag where you want it to go), will allow you to stay in the game and claim victory!


I used a Condor MOLLE Drop Leg Platform with a MOLLE 6 M4 Mag Pouch to carry the gear necessary for short, CQB games.  I also used my Condor Dump Pouch to hold my empty magazines.  My primary weapon was an ICS CXP16S (I used K120 Mid Caps and a Tenergy 9.6V Nunchuck Battery to fuel the BEAST MACHINE)!


To see all my Airsoft Tulsa Gameplay, visit the “Gameplay” tab.


Airsoft Tulsa Indoor Gameplay: SAFETY KILL STREAK!


Airsoft Tulsa Indoor- Safety Kill Streak! |

(affiliate links)

One of the most hated rules in airsoft is the “safety kill”.  In my “Safety Kills: The Unfortunate Truth” post, I explain some of the reasons why there is so much controversy surrounding this topic.  But, since I do my best to abide by the ruleset of every field I visit, I use it when I have to.  Airsoft Tulsa requires the use of safety kills within 10 feet, and I used this rule to rack up a nice safety kill streak on some unsuspecting players!  I hope you enjoy!




Numbers Change The Field

I’m used to playing at Airsoft Tulsa Indoor with 10-12 other players.  On this night, there were 16+ players on the field.  This definitely changed the tactics and how I moved around the field.  With multiple enemy players ready to line up their sights on me at any given time, snap shooting and “camping” on a certain pieces of cover became the name of the game.  Often times, I needed to spread out from other team members to provide an effective defense or to have room to make a quick offense move.

Don’t fall into the trap of using the same positions or tactics at a field just because it worked before.  Take into account how various numbers of players will change a field when you’re planning tactics before a game.


Keep Your Ears Open and Listen To The Refs

You will notice at (time) that an enemy player can’t hear me attempt a safety kill on him due to his laser focus on the rest of my team.  I often find that I miss information or commands my team tries to provide because of this battlefield “tunnel vision”.  Try to keep your ears open and scan the field with your eyes to stay in the whole battle and not just in your own little corner of it.

One way to stay aware is to listen to the refs and use what they tell you for more than just finding out if you’re hit or if the game is over.  The refs at Airsoft Tulsa do a good job of providing information on the condition of the field and the players on it.  During the game they will give you information on who is trying to claim an objective or let you know if a player is out.  Listen to the refs at your local field and try to use any information they give you to increase your battlefield awareness on the field.


Ditching Your Tac Vest

This particular night, I decided to leave my chest harness at the staging area and wear a MOLLE drop leg platform with a MOLLE magazine pouch capable of carrying up to 6 M4 mags.

I wanted to try out this system to see if it would improve my speed, reduce fatigue after the game, and be a good option for some one that wanted to run a private military contractor (PMC) load out.  I found its simplicity to be a good thing.  I only had the gear I needed on me, reducing the time I spent through my gear in between games.  Although I don’t think it significantly reduce fatigue (which is mostly due to the amount of running to cover and crouching I do during a game), I do think that I had a slight increase in overall speed and that it would work great for a player that wants an inexpensive set up for their PMC load out.


As stated above, I decided not to use my standard Lancer Tactical Chest Rig, and instead used just my Condor MOLLE Drop Leg Platform with a MOLLE 6 M4 Mag Pouch.  I also used my Condor Dump Pouch to hold my empty magazines.  My primary weapon was a KWA SR7 fed by K120 Mid Caps and fueled with a Tenergy 9.6V Nunchuck Battery.


Thank you for reading!  Be sure to leave any of your thoughts on this post in the comments.  If you enjoyed the video, make sure to give it a like and also subscribe to Airsoft Warrior TV to stay up to date and help the airsoft community find out about these resources.


Just Go For It: Because Big Plans Don’t Work


Just Go For It Because Big Plans Don't Work |

One of the things I notice more and more as I airsoft is that set-in-stone plans don’t work.  This is due to a lot of factors.  The best laid plan can be brought down by a single move of the enemy team or when some of your team members are in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Sometimes you just have to go with a plan, even if it’s not completely thought out.  Otherwise you risk the enemy making a move, getting ahead of you, and winning the game.  Just doing something can make the difference.  Here are a couple of stories from one of my outdoor battles to illustrate this point:


Rushing Is Better Than BB Swapping

The scenario was to transport our team’s box (loaded with smoke bombs that would be triggered upon opening) to a location across the field and deploy it.  A group of 4-6 players decided to transport the box while the rest of the team attempted to assault the enemy stronghold (a large, building-like complex), a mere 200 feet from our respawn.  After a half hour of shooting and respawning, I was ready to do something besides swap BBs with the enemies shooting through all the tiny windows.

I moved to the flank of the building and got myself psyched up for charge.  I scanned over the rest of my team and saw some players who seemed to be preparing for a frontal assault on the building.  I waited a few more seconds and timed my charge with theirs.  We rushed the building, cleared it, and move forward.

I tried to continue to move up and figure out what had happened to the squad that had headed off with our box, when a column of smoke rose from the building we had just cleared!  Turns out our team had deployed the enemy’s box of smoke that had been left behind, making a technical win for the enemy!

Due to a lot of factors (including a lack of communication), the game didn’t go as planned.  Although by doing something besides sit and swap BBs, we accomplished our secondary mission of clearing the enemy stronghold.

On to the second story…


The Enemy Is Not As He Appears

In this scenario, an expansive field with a large number of bunkers (properly named “Bunker Hill”) gave us a chance for a fun game of “capture the water bottles”.  😉

With a few other players, I moved up the left flank and attempted to approach the enemy, undetected.  The field was bigger than we anticipated putting us in a head on head battle on the left flank.  After coming under heavy enemy fire, we engaged and dug in (notice the sit-and-wait mentality here).  After a while, I decided that someone needed to move up if we were going to get anywhere.

I cautiously moved up the left flank with my battle buddy covering me.  Then, I rushed up to a piece of cover, spotted an enemy player behind a wall before he saw me, lined up my sights, and took him out when he tried to fire! After a quick look around, I realized he was the ONLY player there, and had held down the entire flank!  I quickly called for my team to move up the flank and we started an advance.

Again, the point is that you sometime just have to do something to get ahead in an airsoft game.


This doesn’t mean that planning is useless and you should go to every game having done zero research and preparation.  Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces on D-Day and former President of the United States, said “When preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”  I think this quote sums up the purpose of plans in airsoft very nicely.  Plans have a place in the preparation stage of games and are very helpful in making sure everyone understands the mission at hand.  But they are useless if you don’t adapt them to the changing battlefield.

By simply moving forward, you can make things happen in an airsoft battle.  Pre-game plans allow you to form a cohesive team that works together to accomplish the overall mission.  Small in-game plans (like moving to a flank, or working with your battle buddy) are a great way to get things done during a game.  Try to make an easy plan, act on it, then make a new one.  Here is a quote by General Patton that sums up the overall point of this post nicely :

“A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.”

General Patton |

Thanks for reading this post.  If you enjoyed it, be sure to share it with your battle buddies!  As always, comment your thoughts on the post and let me know how you “Just Go For It” during a game!




10 Rules of Airsoft Safety


10 Rules Of Airsoft Safety |
(affiliate links included)

I’ve seen a lot of airsoft players who don’t understand the meaning of “muzzle control” or think it’s OK to not wear lower face protection at longer games.  They can make the game less safe for themselves and others by following less-than-safe practices while on the field.  To keep you from being “one of those guys”, here are 10 rules to make your airsoft games safer (these are adapted from the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s “Firearm Safety — 10 rules of Safe Gun Handling”).


Only Point Your Muzzle At What You Intend To Shoot:

Practicing good muzzle control will prevent others from being injured and will lower the amount of friendly fire.


Keep Your Airsoft Gun Unloaded When Not In-Game:

Wait until you’re on the field and everyone has eye pro on before loading your gun.  When you leave the field (even just to go grab something from the staging area), eject the magazine and fire several shots at the ground to clear the gun.


Don’t Rely On The “Safety”:

Airsoft guns use a series of safety systems (both mechanical and electrical) to prevent accidental firing.  But they are in no way fool proof.  Always treat your airsoft gun as if it is loaded and ready to fire.  Be sure to practice Rule 1 at all times when your gun is loaded or unloaded.


Be Sure Of Your Target And Beyond:

This is one of the most repeated gun safety rules you’ll hear.  Identify what is beyond your target every time you fire.  This will prevent friendly fire and allow you to have better battlefield awareness.


Use Good BBs:

Cheap BBs have been known to shatter on impact, resulting in plastic shrapnel flying in all directions.  Using quality BBs is safer for you, your teammates, and your gun.


If Your Gun Fails To Fire, Take Precautions:

If your airsoft gun fails to function as it should and you can’t correct the issue in-game, unload the mag, try to clear the gun (or unplug the battery), and use a secondary weapon.  If you don’t have a secondary, you can still support your team by being a spotter and doing recon.  After the game, take the gun back to staging, unplug the battery, and attempt repairs in a safe place.


Always Wear Eye Pro and Face Pro:

If you aren’t doing this, don’t play airsoft.  Eye and Face Pro are vital to keeping you safe during games.  Eyes, teeth, and BB-clogged ear canals aren’t easy to fix.  Buy a pair of inexpensive goggles for $15 and a $10 metal mesh face mask and you’re good to go.

(Note:  Metal mesh masks may need some custom modification to fit properly with your goggles.  Check out this video for tips on how to do this.)


Clear and Clean Your Airsoft Barrel:

After each scenario at a game, clear your airsoft gun by firing at the ground a few times with the mag out to clear any BBs still in the hop up.  This prevents a suprise BB from flying around after you’re in the staging area.  When you get home, clean the inner barrel.  This will prevent jams, and increase accuracy so you hit what you aim at.  HERE is my inner barrel cleaning guide to get you started.


Don’t Alter Airsoft Guns Without Tech Experience:

If you try to upgrade your airsoft gun without proper experience, you not only risk breaking the gun, you also may make it a part spewing, overpowered death machine (that was not meant to sound cool in any way).  Spend the time to learn how to upgrade airsoft guns properly and talk to professional airsoft techs to figure out what the best upgrades are.  (Check out my “To Tech Or Not To Tech Post” to determine whether tech work is for you.)


Learn How Airsoft Guns Work And Why:

Learning how airsoft guns work allows you to understand the reason things go wrong with your gun, and direct you to make informed decisions about upgrading.  It will also keep you safer on the field because you’ll have the knowledge to correct issues and prevent them in the future.  HERE is a great Version 2 (M4, M16, etc.) gearbox guide that will also give you the basics of Version 3 (AK, G36C, etc.) operation.


If you have more thoughts on airsoft safety, let me know in the comments.  Be sure to share this post if you’re a fan of airsoft safety and!


Tulsa Indoor Airsoft Team Deathmatch RAMPAGE!!!


Tulsa Indoor Team Deathmatch RAMPAGE!!! |
(affiliate links included)

When I entered this Team Deathmatch (TD) round, I had a goal of reaching the enemy spawn and spawn locking (prevent them from leaving spawn) them there.  I ended up making multiple kill streaks, spending 75% of the game behind enemy lines, and attempting a rare, complete stealth kill on an enemy player coming out of spawn.  To see all of this, and more, check out the video below!



Since a majority of my time was spent inside enemy territory (mostly right next to their spawn point), I had to stay as stealthy as possible.  Early on in the video, I refrain from firing on an enemy player on the right flank.  Although I may have been able to take him out, giving away my position and risking elimination so early on wasn’t worth it.  I end up taking out multiple enemies (including that same player) later on because I use some battlefield common sense.

Being Sensitive
If you watched some of my kills and the enemies I fired on, you may have thought “Wow! This guy has super human perception!”.  Although my status as a super airsofter may be debatable, I am definitely not super human.  🙂

I use more than just my eyes to recon the battlefield when playing airsoft.  By listening, I can hear enemy players talking, running, or bumping into the walls and bunkers.  By watching the walls and floors, I can see shadows that players make.  From observation and past experience, I’m  able to figure out the most likely paths enemy players take and what bunkers they use often.

One of the biggest tip offs is a gun barrel sticking around a corner.  Don’t be a target to every observant enemy on the field.  Keep your gun barrel behind cover!

Hiding Out
Towards the end of the video, I end up sneaking behind a stack of pallets with a line of sight to the enemy spawn.  One of my favorite kills to make in airsoft is on an unsuspecting enemy player.  Although some players may think there aren’t any opportunities for a true “stealth kill” in CQB games, you can get one if you are patient.  I spent over 2 minutes sitting there, waiting for the right moment.  Although it didn’t pan out this time, I would gladly try it again if the opportunity presents itself (so watch your back!).

(Note: I do not recommend you try to make a stealth kill during a scenario based game (i.e. capture the flag, a bomb round, etc).  These games rely on a high level of teamwork and tactics if you expect to win.  Hiding behind enemy lines and waiting for a stealth kill, or going “lone wolf”, is not a good way to help your team in these types of games.)


Gear List

I used my KWA SR7 to take out enemy players with accuracy and rapid full auto fire.  I powered it up with a Tenergy 9.6V 1600 mAh nunchuck battery for long battery life and additional Rate Of Fire (ROF) over standard 8.4v batteries.

I carried all of my extra gear in my Lancer Tactical Modular Chest Rig (Model CA-307A).  This chest rig features lots of MOLLE for customization and the double stack mag pouches held all 6 of the reliable KWA K120 Mid Cap Magazines I used.


In Game At Tulsa Indoor Airsoft: Bucket Round


In Game At Tulsa Indoor Airsoft: Bucket Round |

In my last visit to Tulsa Indoor Airsoft in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I got to participate in a unique scenario.  In the Bucket Scenario, the goal is to sit on a 5-gallon bucket located near the middle of the field for 2 minutes without getting eliminated.  While on the bucket, you may not move or get off of the bucket, but you can rotate in a circle to fire on the enemy.

Although this round was quite humorous to watch and to play, there were some definite strategies and tactics that were effective.

Although neither team was able to achieve the goal in this round, it was still a lot of fun and enabled me to observe some useful tactics.





Meat Shield:

The rule set allowed a tactic dubbed “Meat Shield”.  Essentially, other teammates could move up and “shield” the player on the bucket from incoming BBs until they were hit.  This tactic was very effective when the team using it communicated and moved up quickly to protect the airsofter on the bucket.  As you noticed in the video, when I first got on the bucket, a player used the “Meat Shield” tactic to give me protection.  After he was hit, I tried to communicate to my team that I needed others to step up and take his place.  Unfortunately, no one was able to make it before I was eliminated.


Team Support:

One of the key elements in the round was team support.  Once a player reached the bucket, other players could support him by using the “Meat Shield” tactic and giving covering fire.  Communication was also a key element of team support.  At 2:09, I hear one of my teammates requesting support, and I move into position to try to provide support.  I also tried to use the firing angles that my position provided to give covering fire.


Using the Lanes of Approach:

Once I got into the excellent position I use for most of the game, I had an amazing angle on the main approach that the enemy was using to try to get on the bucket.  When you’re on the field, identify where these lanes of approach are and sling some BBs into them.  You’ll notice that even though the bucket was on the far right flank and I was on the left, I was still effective.  Sometimes the center of the action is not the best place to be.  Focus on staying where you can be the most effective.


I hope you enjoyed the game play footage from Tulsa Indoor Airsoft.  The bucket round was very unique and was a lot of fun to play.  Let me know what your favorite airsoft scenario is in the comments below!
